Prepper Survival Guide at Target
Sloppy Mama's BBQ [01]
Sloppy Mama's BBQ [02]
Land O'Lakes butter at Giant Food
Elyse holds up a coronavirus magazine
Help your community with Share
Pumping gas at a BP station
Rosslyn dome building
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [05]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [04]
Jump scooter in the middle of a plaza
Rosslyn Center [02]
Camera on tripod photographing abandoned book
Abandoned book on a table [03]
Abandoned book on a table [02]
Abandoned book on a table [01]
Google Street View car on Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Eastbound Capitol Limited at Harpers Ferry [01]
Eastbound Capitol Limited at Harpers Ferry [02]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [01]
Drainage pipe
View across Potomac River
Abandoned house [01]
Abandoned house [02]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [04]
Abandoned bridge piers at Harpers Ferry [02]
Abandoned bridge piers at Harpers Ferry [03]
Abandoned bridge piers at Harpers Ferry [04]
CSX trailers
Harper Cemetery [01]
Harper Cemetery [04]
1953 Chevrolet Bel Air on Henry Clay Street
Model T Ford
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [01]
Abandoned bridge piers at Harpers Ferry [01]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [01]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [02]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [03]
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [03]
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [02]
Freight train on CSX Shenandoah Subdivision
View from Maryland Heights overlook [02]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [03]
Confluence of Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers
View from Maryland Heights overlook [04]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [05]
Abandoned bridge piers and CSX Shenandoah Subdivision bridge
Abandoned track at Harpers Ferry
"Mennen's Borated Talcum Toilet Powder" sign
Back side of Hilltop House [01]
Back side of Hilltop House [02]
Potomac River from Hilltop House
Harper Cemetery [02]
Harper Cemetery [03]
Harper Cemetery [05]
Abandoned shoe sole
"Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?"
Picnic table at New Market rest area, I-81 northbound [01]
Bench at New Market rest area [01]
Bench at New Market rest area [02]
Picnic table at New Market rest area, I-81 northbound [02]
Exxon gas station sign