Center corridor entrance at former Staunton Mall [01]
Woomy sits on a bed at Hotel 24 South [01]
Center entrance corridor at former Staunton Mall [02]
Festival Conference and Student Center [05]
George M. Cochran Judicial Center [02]
Chandler Hall [03]
Chandler Hall [02]
Harrisonburg from above JMU east campus parking garage
Overhead view of ISAT/CS tower [01]
CISAT academic buildings [03]
CISAT academic buildings [02]
JMU east campus [04]
Festival Conference and Student Center [06]
Chandler Hall [01]
Commercial area south of Interstate 81 in Harrisonburg [02]
Commercial area south of University Boulevard [02]
Commercial area south of University Boulevard [01]
East Market Street in Harrisonburg, facing south
Former location of Schmid's Printery
JMU east campus [03]
JMU east campus [02]
Harrisonburg Crossing [02]
Harrisonburg Crossing [01]
East Campus Dining Hall
JMU east campus [01]
Chesapeake Hall [02]
Room 532 at Hotel 24 South [02]
Room 532 at Hotel 24 South [01]
Former Dixie Theater in Staunton, Virginia
Harrisonburg east of Route 33
Commercial area south of Interstate 81 in Harrisonburg [01]
Valley Mall [02]
Valley Mall [01]
Festival Conference and Student Center [04]
Rose Library [02]
Overhead view of ISAT/CS tower [02]
CISAT academic buildings [01]
Chandler Hall [04]
Ford Focus with "BOOBOOX" license plate
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"
LensCrafters in Harrisonburg, Virginia