Thunderbolt siren on Waterloo Road [11]
Kmart in Willow Street, Pennsylvania [03]
Graffiti on South Street pedestrian walkway [02]
Urinal flushometer at Harvey's in Gatineau
Former City View Center [26]
Skyline Parkway Motor Court gate lodge
First Presbyterian Church of Winchester, Virginia
View from Glenmont West Garage [02]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [10]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [12]
Centennial Flame [04]
Chicken Bibimbap from Cuckoo
Harrison Hall "link" section
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the west [06]
Train derailer [01]
Coast Guard station at Hatteras [02]
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [01]
Train at Christie station
"Columbia Heights Families Share and Care"
Metrobus stop at Glenmont [01]
Chicago River from DuSable Bridge, facing southwest
Antenna across Annapolis Harbor [02]
Maryland House
M/V Hatteras [02]
Vacant second floor at Sears in Security Square Mall [02]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [11]
New Arby's in Verona, Virginia [01]
Statue of James Madison [04]
Utility pole at Skyline Parkway Motel
Yellow Line train at King Street
Beach at Avon, North Carolina [05]
Metro Center station [07]
Wheelock 7002T at 18310 Montgomery Village Avenue [02]
Speed limit 4 mph
Contents of a trash can at 14th Street station
Big Lots in Charlottesville, Virginia [02]
American Dream, January 2024 [01]
Washington Metro chain marker
H Street NW street sign
Railroad signal with button copy [01]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [02]
Sign for northbound US 340
Safeway sign
Sweet William
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [03]
Renovation of Harrison Hall Annex
Cupola base on former Howard Johnson's restaurant
House move on Oramar Drive [03]
Gibbons Hall, Commons side [02]
Ghost shoes [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Whole Foods in Glover Park [02]
Station name plaque at Franconia-Springfield
2012 Kia Soul [15]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [04]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [13]
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [02]
Dome at the Tropicana
DASH Orion V farewell [39]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [02]
Ravenglass Way [10]
Thunderbolt siren on Waterloo Road [17]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [14]
Belk men's store at Charlottesville Fashion Square [02]
Augusta Plaza Shopping Center
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton, Virginia [03]
Abandoned bridge piers at Harpers Ferry [02]
Beach in Buxton, North Carolina [01]
Van Ness-UDC station [03]
Boarding the M/V W. Stanford White
Holiday Inn Express on Staples Mill Road [01]
DASH Orion V farewell [33]
Former Big Lots and Marshalls spaces at Seminole Square
Spartan foamyiQ Cranberry Ice foaming handwash dispenser
View from Humpback Rock [05]
Fire alarm pull station at 5533 Walnut Street
Centennial Flame [02]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [04]
D-Hall seating area [02]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [04]