Tulip with variegated colors
Plumb House [01]
Plumb House [02]
RCA Building [04]
The Liberty Bell
Fire alarm pull station at the National Museum of American History
Embassy Building
Shenandoah River tubing [02]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from across vacant lot
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [12]
Fire alarm pull station in Crystal City Underground [02]
Shenandoah River tubing [05]
Waynesboro High School [01]
Shenandoah River tubing [04]
Misspelled SuperShuttle van
Monument of Confederate War Dead at Hollywood Cemetery
Graffiti on wall speaker
Fire alarm pull station in Crystal City Underground [01]
Arlington Cemetery station [02]
Sign for Interstate 95 southbound at Maryland House
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [01]
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [02]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [01]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [03]
Interstate 95 sign at Maryland House
Police officer speaking to demonstrator during civil disobedience action
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon, stripped [02]
Ballston station late at night [13]
Jet from hotel whirlpool
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon, stripped [01]
Crowds at Rhode Island Avenue station following June 22, 2009 Metro collision [01]
Vacant lot after Snowpocalypse storm
Ballston station late at night [12]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [03]
Crowds at Rhode Island Avenue station following June 22, 2009 Metro collision [03]
Snow after the first hours of Snowpocalypse storm [02]
Delaware Memorial Bridge toll plaza
Glenmont water tower covered
Ho Sai Gai
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [02]
News Virginian building
Wheaton station, inbound side [03]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [02]
Crowds at Rhode Island Avenue station following June 22, 2009 Metro collision [02]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [02]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [03]
"BOYCOTT" banner at UNITE HERE event
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [04]
Snow on an apartment balcony during Snowpocalypse storm
World Bank/IMF demonstration [05]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [07]
Fort McHenry Tunnel, Bore 2
World Bank/IMF demonstration [04]
Boris Korczak at Anonymous DC January raid [01]
Buckingham Branch track through Staunton
World Bank/IMF demonstration [10]
Amfleet passenger coach [01]
Boris Korczak at Anonymous DC January raid [02]
March on Crystal City [14]
Funk the War 8 [07]
March on Crystal City [17]
National Equality March [06]
Chinatown fish market [01]
March on Crystal City [24]
Wheaton station, inbound side [02]
Amfleet railcar at Union Station
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [01]
March on Crystal City [22]
March on Crystal City [20]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [02]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [04]
Funk the War 8 [05]
Amfleet dining car
National Equality March [08]
March on Crystal City [32]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [05]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [21]
Funk the War 8 [10]
March on Crystal City [43]