Pentagon City Mall, 2020 [02]
Pentagon City Mall, 2020 [03]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [01]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [02]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [03]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [04]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [05]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [06]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [07]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [08]
PetSmart on Route 7
Photographing 1750 Crystal Drive [01]
Photographing 1750 Crystal Drive [02]
Photographing at the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Photographing Burnt Mills Dam [01]
Photographing Burnt Mills Dam [02]
Photographing the US Capitol
Picked-over soup aisle [01]
Picked-over soup aisle [02]
Pile of discarded cigarette butts
Pink spill in front of Target
Plastic snake on the floor
Platform at Federal Center SW station [01]
Platform at Federal Center SW station [02]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [01]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [02]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [03]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [01]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [03]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [04]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [05]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [06]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [01]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [03]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [01]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [02]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [03]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [04]
Plaxiglass screens around Giant Food Solution Center
Plaxiglass screens around Giant Food Solution Center
Please do not sit on the furniture
Plexiglass shield at Wawa cash register
PNLX locomotive 2107 [01]
PNLX locomotive 2107 [02]
PNLX locomotive 2107 [03]
PNLX locomotive 9619 [01]
PNLX locomotive 9619 [02]
Point of Rocks Bridge [01]
Point of Rocks Bridge [02]
Point of Rocks Bridge [03]
Point of Rocks Bridge [04]
Point of Rocks Bridge [05]
Point of Rocks [01]
Point of Rocks [02]
Point of Rocks [03]
Point of Rocks [04]
Point of Rocks [05]
Pokémon cereal
Political sign about ballot questions
Post office in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
Potomac Avenue station [02]
Potomac Avenue station [03]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [03]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [04]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [05]
Power lines through Montgomery Village
Power transmission lines in Frederick County [01]
Power transmission lines in Frederick County [02]
Power transmission lines in Laytonsville
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [01]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [02]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [03]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [04]
Prepper Survival Guide at Target
Press room at the former News Virginian building [02]
Produce area at Walmart in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
Profanities in license plate strips
Property boundary mark