- Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
- Fire alarm horn/strobe and pull station at East Liberty Presbyterian Church
- Finley Memorial Presbyterian Church
- Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [03]
- Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [02]
- Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [01]
- National City Christian Church [01]
- National City Christian Church [02]
- National City Christian Church [03]
- Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
- Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
- Steeple of Arlington Temple United Methodist Church [01]
- Steeple of Arlington Temple United Methodist Church [02]
- Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [11]
- Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [10]
- Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [08]
- Boston, Massachusetts [01]
- Boston, Massachusetts [02]
- 20 Madbury Road
- Steeple at St. Pauls United Church of Christ
- Town Clock Church [01]
- Town Clock Church [02]
- Town Clock Church [03]
- Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
- Bedford Street
- Town Clock Church [04]
- Steeple of Friendship Haven Church
- View of Potomac River from hiking trail
- Upward view of church in Harpers Ferry
- "You don't need Facebook to be friends with God."
- St. Anne's Episcopal Church
- First Presbyterian Church of Winchester, Virginia
- Fleetwood Church [01]
- Fleetwood Church [02]
- Fleetwood Church [03]
- Fleetwood Church [04]
- Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
- 16th and Buchanan Streets NW
- Church of the Redeemer [02]
- Church of the Redeemer [01]
- Washington DC Temple [03]
- Washington DC Temple [02]
- Washington DC Temple [01]
- Manayunk
- Cathedral of Hope [01]
- Cathedral of Hope [02]
- Photographing the Cathedral of Hope
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [01]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [02]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [03]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [04]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [05]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [06]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [07]
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church [08]
- Cornerstone at First Evangelical Lutheran Church
- First Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [07]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [08]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [09]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [05]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [06]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [04]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [02]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [03]
- Dome at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament [01]
- Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia
- St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
- Fishersville, Virginia, near Augusta Health
- Rejoicing Life Church [02]
- Rejoicing Life Church [01]
- Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
- Sign for Glossbrenner United Methodist Church
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [01]
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [02]
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [03]
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [05]
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [04]
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [06]
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church [07]