Pentagon station upper level
Train arriving at East Falls Church
Train arriving at West Falls Church-VT/UVA station
Train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
4000-Series train enters Rhode Island Avenue station
1000-Series train at Union Station
1000-Series train at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Blue Line train arrives at McPherson Square station
Interior of WMATA railcar 1162
Signage above the platform escalators at Vienna
Washington Metro car 4063
Red Line train departing Rhode Island Avenue station
WMATA railcar 2075
Red Line train at Metro Center
Train at Addison Road station
Flip-dot sign error
Red Line to Brookland-CUA
1000-Series train at Metro Center
Train at Prince George's Plaza station
"SPECIAL" sign on Red Line
Emergency intercom on car 3276
Red Line train on aerial structure
Shady Grove station [02]
Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza
Interior of WMATA railcar 2075 [05]
Red Line train arriving at Union Station
Farragut West station [01]
Anacostia station
Train arriving at Archives-Navy Memorial station
Van Dorn Street station [01]
WMATA clearance car [01]
WMATA clearance car [02]
Train at Takoma station
Columbia Heights station
Train at College Park station
Interior of WMATA railcar 5134
Shady Grove station [01]
Train at Stadium-Armory [01]
Largo Town Center station [01]
Largo Town Center station [02]
Blue Line train at King Street station
Yellow Line train at King Street station
WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
WMATA railcar 5026 at Fort Totten
3000-Series train arriving at Van Dorn Street station
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [01]
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [03]
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [02]
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [04]
Blue Line train arriving at King Street station
Red Line to Rhode Island Avenue
Red Line train at Rockville station
Yellow Line train at Huntington [01]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [02]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [04]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [05]
"YELLOW" on destination sign
Train at Greenbelt station
WMATA railcar 3217 approaching Grosvenor-Strathmore
Two trains at Smithsonian station
Emergency intercom on car 1245
Yellow Line train at Huntington [03]
Branch Avenue station from Capital Gateway Drive
Interior of WMATA railcar 1112
Handrail on Washington Metro car 3254
Interior of WMATA railcar 4018
Red Line train servicing Grosvenor-Strathmore station
Red Line train after departing Grosvenor
Emergency intercom on car 4018
Interior of WMATA railcar 3267
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [01]
New Carrollton rail yard
Orange Line train at Largo Town Center
Yellow Line train to Franconia-Springfield
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [02]
Yellow Line train at Franconia-Springfield
Orange Line train to Largo Town Center
Blue Line trains at Eisenhower Avenue
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [01]
Blue Line train at Huntington [02]