Eastgate Toll Plaza
"Autistic child area" sign
Parking regulation signs on Victoria Avenue [01]
Parking regulation signs on Victoria Avenue [02]
Parking regulation signs on Victoria Avenue [03]
Pedestrian crossing sign in Windsor [01]
Pedestrian crossing sign in Windsor [02]
Shields for trunkline highway M-39
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [01]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign with religious graffiti
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [01]
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [02]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [01]
Alley speed limit sign
Rusted no parking sign in an alley [01]
Rusted no parking sign in an alley [02]
"NO OUTLET" sign at alley entrance
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [01]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [02]
Turn restriction at North Michigan Avenue and East Chestnut Street
"SAFE SCHOOL ZONE" sign at Chicago and Wabash
"Stop and kiss"