Protest against the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement
Do Not Enter (Except Buses)
Washington Metro car 4063
Tuscarora Mountain Tunnel western portal
Kittatinny Mountain Tunnel [02]
Kittatinny Mountain Tunnel [01]
Western portal of Blue Mountain Tunnel
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [07]
Boston Megaraid [07]
Anti-War Anniversary March [16]
Anti-War Anniversary March [24]
Anti-War Anniversary March [23]
"When we do small things, God can make it big"
Police barrier
Traffic signals in Philadelphia
"Test Dirt"
Sign about stairs at Olney Indoor Swim Center
Forward on Climate Rally [35]
Intersection of Bedford Street and Henderson Avenue
"Please do not feed the wildlife" sign in Constitution Gardens
Asbury Park beach rules
Sign at Little Seneca Lake boat launch
WMATA coupler assembly [02]
WMATA coupler assembly [01]
Debit terminal out of order
Pandemic-related signage at Target [01]
Health check sign at Deer Park Office Center
Limit on paper products at CVS
Pandemic-related signage at Target [02]
Pandemic-related signage at Target [03]
Variable message sign encouraging social distancing
COVID-19 signage at Patterson's Drug Store
Variable message sign encouraging mask wearing and social distancing
One-way aisle signage at Staples [02]
"Please do not sit here" sticker
"Please do NOT try on merchandise over your clothing"
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [02]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [03]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [04]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [05]
Do not move this cone
Please do not sit on the furniture
Pandemic-related signage at Target [05]
True Religion is over capacity
Faber hand sanitizer
Little Free Library at Clarksburg High School [01]
Little Free Library at Clarksburg High School [02]
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [02]
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [01]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [01]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
Intersection of Barristers Row and South Augusta Street
No-touching signage at Boscov's
Trash memo at Hewitt Gardens Apartments
This shelf has been counted for inventory
"We do not accept Apple Pay"
Indoor dining sign at Deptford Mall food court
"Employees only" sign at Global Food
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [01]
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [02]
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [03]
Pandemic-related signage at Target [06]
Reminders about the baseball game
Retention pond at Waynesboro Town Center [01]
"Don't turn on this heater"
Hell House [02]
Handwritten sign on a speaker
Social distancing marker on the sidewalk
Sign warning about gifting animals
"Let's not linger" sign at IKEA
Please don't spit into the urinals
Warning on the side of a railcar
"Please do not disconnect. Speaker is part of fire system. Thank you."
"NO LEFT TURN" sign printed over "DO NOT ENTER" sign
Out-of-order urinal
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [01]