Renovations to Taylor Hotel
"George Bush is a reptile"
Gamewell Century pull station [01]
Gamewell Century pull station [02]
Gamewell Century pull station [03]
Pro-Trump graffiti [01]
Pro-Trump graffiti [02]
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [01]
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [02]
Notes on a sign in a locker room
Wheelock AS at Lowe's in Front Royal, Virginia [01]
Wheelock AS at Lowe's in Front Royal, Virginia [03]
Wheelock AS at Lowe's in Front Royal, Virginia [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Hampton Inn Goldsboro [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Hampton Inn Goldsboro [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Hampton Inn Goldsboro [07]
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Restroom at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Josephine's of Ranson
"Every day is a bonus"
Fire alarm at Barbers and Brew [02]
Fire alarm at Barbers and Brew [01]
Centre Block [01]
Centre Block [02]
Centre Block [03]
Peace Tower [01]
Peace Tower [02]
Peace Tower [03]
Peace Tower [04]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Replica of a Holiday Inn guest room
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [01]
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [02]
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [03]
"Thank you for everything you do!"
Oak & Apple [06]