Capitol Heights station
Ceiling at Metro Center
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [03]
Federal Triangle station during rush hour
Largo Town Center station entrance pylon [04]
Largo Town Center station entrance pylon [05]
New trash can at King Street station
King Street station entrance pylon [02]
Short section of track in cages
Largo interlocking
Tunnel portal outside Addison Road station
Metro D Route pocket track [02]
Yellow Line train to Franconia-Springfield
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [02]
PIDS screen at Pentagon City
Blue Line trains at Eisenhower Avenue
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [01]
Blue Line train at Huntington [02]
Blue Line train at Huntington [01]
PIDS screen at Huntington
Escalator under repair at Federal Triangle station
WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [04]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [03]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [02]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [01]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [05]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [06]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [07]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [08]
Train at L'Enfant Plaza lower level [01]
Train at L'Enfant Plaza lower level [02]
October Rebellion Georgetown march [07]
Outbound Blue Line train at King Street
Platform at Franconia-Springfield [02]
Federal Triangle station entrance pylon
Station name plaque at Franconia-Springfield [02]
WMATA railcar 2042 at Franconia-Springfield station
Exitfare machine and newspapers box at Largo Town Center
Escalators at Rosslyn station [01]
Going up the escalator at Metro Center [02]
Going up the escalator at Metro Center [01]
Outbound end of Stadium-Armory station
Two trains at King Street station
Platform pylon at King Street station
Platform pylon at Franconia-Springfield station
3000-Series train at Franconia-Springfield
Platform at Eastern Market station [01]
Capitol South station entrance pylon [02]
Federal Center SW station from platform
Yellow Line train departing King Street station
Yellow Line train approaching King Street station
Platform at Eastern Market station [02]
Metro Center station entrance pylon
Arched ceiling at Metro Center
Blue Line train at Pentagon City [03]
Red Line train at Metro Center
Yellow Line train at Pentagon City [02]
Pentagon City station [08]
Blue Line train at Pentagon City [02]
Yellow Line train at Pentagon City [01]
Pentagon City station [06]
Blue Line train at Pentagon City [01]
Pentagon City station [07]
Potomac Avenue station [03]
Potomac Avenue station [02]
McPherson Square station [03]
McPherson Square station [02]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [04]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [05]
Work shoes and cargo pants
"Steal supplies 4 art"
Rosslyn station upper level [04]
Rosslyn station upper level [02]
Rosslyn station upper level [03]
Rosslyn station upper level [01]
UV sanitizing device on an escalator handrail
Train at Potomac Avenue station [01]
Train at Potomac Avenue station [02]