Filene's Basement
The Shops at National Place
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [03]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [01]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
158 North Loudoun Street
First Presbyterian Church of Winchester, Virginia
Pediment at Masonic Temple
Clock tower at Rouss City Hall
Renovations to Taylor Hotel
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [04]
Zocalo sign [05]
Zocalo sign [03]
Zocalo sign [07]
Zocalo sign [06]
Zocalo sign [08]
Zocalo sign [04]
Staunton Clock Tower [01]
Staunton Clock Tower [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [03]
New Street parking garage [02]
Press room at the former News Virginian building [02]
Former News Virginian building [05]
Former News Virginian building [03]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [03]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [02]
Former News Virginian building [04]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [04]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [01]
Staunton Clock Tower [10]
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia
Staunton Clock Tower [04]
Staunton Clock Tower [13]
Staunton Clock Tower [09]
Rooftop patio at 2 North Central Avenue
Staunton Clock Tower [05]
Staunton Clock Tower [11]
Staunton Clock Tower [08]
Staunton Clock Tower [06]
Staunton Clock Tower [07]
Staunton Clock Tower [12]
101 West Frederick Street [01]
101 West Frederick Street [02]
West Broad Street in Waynesboro, Virginia
West Main and West Broad Streets in downtown Waynesboro
Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
View down East Beverley Street
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [01]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [04]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [03]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [02]
2 Eaton Street [02]
2 Eaton Street [01]
2 Eaton Street [03]
Main Street in Clifton Forge, Virginia
Jefferson Avenue in Clifton Forge, Virginia
Intersection of Baltimore Street, Frederick Street, Carlisle Street, and Broadway [01]
Intersection of Baltimore Street, Frederick Street, Carlisle Street, and Broadway [02]
Ice buildup in a freezer [01]
Ice buildup in a freezer [02]
Empty floor in an office building [01]
Empty floor in an office building [02]
Empty floor in an office building [03]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [01]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [02]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [03]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing south [01]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing south [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [01]
Tennessee Theatre [02]
Tennessee Theatre [12]
Tennessee Theatre [11]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [03]
Tennessee Theatre [10]