Meat department at Giant Food [02]
Meat department at Giant Food [01]
Purchase limit notice
Empty toilet paper aisle at Target
Empty paper towel aisle at Target
Sparsely filled frozen food aisle at Giant Food
Elyse holds a roll of toilet paper
Limit on paper products at CVS
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [11]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [01]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [02]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [04]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [03]
Sign at Sheetz in Staunton, Virginia
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [01]
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [02]
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [03]
Vintage Ford tractor in Capron, Virginia