Train arriving at West Falls Church-VT/UVA station
Train arriving at East Falls Church
Finley Memorial Presbyterian Church
Knights Templar Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Knights Templar Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Fire alarm horn/strobe and pull station at East Liberty Presbyterian Church
Million Worker March [04]
Scientology stress tests
Allied Arts Building [01]
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [01]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [03]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [02]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [01]
533 West Main Street
Partially completed bridge pier
East Falls Church interlocking
National City Christian Church [01]
National City Christian Church [02]
National City Christian Church [03]
Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
Interior of WMATA railcar 5090
Operation Reconnect [04]
Operation Reconnect [03]
Operation Reconnect [02]
Operation Reconnect [01]
Operation Fail Game [01]
Operation Fail Game [02]
Operation Fail Game [03]
Operation Fail Game [04]
Operation Fail Game [05]
Operation Fail Game [16]
Operation Fail Game [15]
Operation Fail Game [14]
Operation Fail Game [13]
Operation Fail Game [12]
Operation Fail Game [11]
Operation Fail Game [10]
Operation Fail Game [09]
Operation Fail Game [08]
Operation Fail Game [07]
Operation Fail Game [06]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [28]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [27]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [26]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [25]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [24]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [23]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [22]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [21]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [20]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [19]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [18]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [17]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [16]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [15]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [14]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [13]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [12]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [11]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [10]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [09]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [08]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [07]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [06]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [05]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [04]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [03]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [02]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [01]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [40]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [41]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [42]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [51]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [50]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [49]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [48]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [47]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [46]