Cigarette ashtray
Discarded cigarettes in ashtray
Cigarette vending machine
Funk the War 3 [11]
Debris on Georgia Avenue
Zombie Apocalypse raid [15]
Anonymous DC April 2009 raid [03]
Pothole on 20th Street NW
Exhaling smoke
Exhaling cloud of cigarette smoke
Plungefest 2011 [96]
Plungefest 2011 [15]
Auto Train smoking lounge
Cigarette on fire alarm pull station
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [20]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]
Salem sign
Plexiglass shield at Wawa cash register
Hope Hill Cemetery [03]
Pile of discarded cigarette butts
Cigarette butts in an ashtray
Pile of dirty snow [03]
Food Festival Deli & Mart
Smoking bench at Knoxville Station Transit Center
Cigarettes at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [04]
Cigarettes at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [03]
Cigarettes at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [02]
Cigarettes at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [01]
Chesterfield sign