D-Hall seating area [01]
D-Hall seating area [03]
D-Hall serving area [01]
D-Hall seating area [02]
Simplex fire alarm horn and light
Power lines
Former A&P in Berryville, Virginia
Green Valley Marketplace
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia [11]
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia [13]
Vintage Acme pull station [02]
Vintage Acme pull station [01]
Suncoast Motion Picture Company
Simplex pull station at Martinsburg train station
Salem sign
Flowers growing on a retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [04]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [03]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [02]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [01]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [02]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [04]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [01]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [03]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [06]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [05]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [07]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [08]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [10]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [12]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [11]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [09]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [13]
Wheelock MTWP horn/strobe [14]
Fire alarm at Montgomery College [02]
Fire alarm at Montgomery College [03]
Fire alarm at Montgomery College [01]
Fire alarm at Montgomery College [04]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [03]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [02]
Fire alarm bell and strobe at Geisinger Community Medical Center
Fire alarm chime and strobe at Geisinger Community Medical Center
Fire alarm pull station at Geisinger Community Medical Center [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Geisinger Community Medical Center [02]
Sears at Lakeforest Mall
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [06]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [05]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [04]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [03]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [02]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [01]
Historical marker on Hudson's Bay Queen Street store
Fire alarm pull station at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
Fan window at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
Streetcar on Queen Street [02]
The Simpson Tower [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street revolving door entrance [01]
Escalator at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [02]
Escalator at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street revolving door entrance [02]
Bell Canada manhole cover [03]
Bell Canada manhole cover [02]
Bell Canada manhole cover [04]
Bell Canada manhole cover [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [04]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [03]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [02]
Historical plaque on Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [05]
Photographing Hudson's Bay historical plaque
Hudson's Bay wing at Pickering Town Centre
Urinal at Hudson's Bay in Pickering
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Historical plaque on Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Streetcar at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Richmond Street entrance at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]