- Chestnut Street and Hickory Avenue
- East Main Street and Court Street
- South Breezewood Road
- The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [30]
- Pedestrian signal at 7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue SE
- Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [01]
- Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the east
- Aisle 6 at Four Corners Safeway
- Aisle 5 at Four Corners Safeway
- Produce section at Four Corners Safeway
- Green Valley Marketplace
- 1100 15th Street NW
- Burnt Mills Dam [01]
- Burnt Mills Dam [02]
- Burnt Mills Dam [08]
- Burnt Mills Dam [07]
- Burnt Mills Dam [06]
- Burnt Mills Dam [05]
- Burnt Mills Dam [04]
- Burnt Mills Dam [03]
- Photographing Burnt Mills Dam [02]
- Photographing Burnt Mills Dam [01]
- East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [01]
- East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [02]
- HomeGoods in Winchester, Virginia [01]
- HomeGoods in Winchester, Virginia [02]
- Staunton Clock Tower [01]
- Staunton Clock Tower [02]
- Staunton Clock Tower [03]
- Staunton Clock Tower [10]
- Staunton Clock Tower [04]
- Staunton Clock Tower [13]
- Staunton Clock Tower [09]
- Staunton Clock Tower [05]
- Staunton Clock Tower [11]
- Staunton Clock Tower [08]
- Staunton Clock Tower [06]
- Staunton Clock Tower [07]
- Staunton Clock Tower [12]
- Lime bike at 20th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE [01]
- Former 7-Eleven at 20th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE
- Lime bike at 20th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE [02]
- Street signs at Church Street and Commercial Avenue
- Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [04]
- Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [01]
- Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [02]
- Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [06]
- Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [05]
- Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [03]
- Lakeforest sign at Frederick Avenue and Montgomery Village Avenue
- South 10th Street and Haxall Point
- Stag Shop
- Looking down on Yonge and Elm
- "NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [01]
- "NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [02]
- Oak & Apple [06]