- Traffic signal at Boulevard de la Cité and Boulevard de la Gappe [04]
- Traffic signal at Boulevard de la Cité and Boulevard de la Gappe [07]
- Honda HR-V on Boulevard de la Gappe [01]
- Fire alarm pull station at Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [01]
- Fire alarm pull station at Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [02]
- Fire alarm pull station at Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [04]
- Fire alarm pull station at Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [05]
- Fire alarm pull station at Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [03]
- Traffic signal at Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [02]
- Traffic signal at Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [03]
- Traffic signal at Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [04]
- Traffic signal at Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [05]
- Traffic signal at Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [06]
- Intersection of Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [01]
- Intersection of Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [02]
- Intersection of Boulevard Maloney and Boulevard de la Cité [03]
- Canadian speed limit sign
- No right turn except for authorized vehicles
- Fire alarm pull station at Station de la Cité
- STO bus 2008 on Rapibus corridor
- No entry except for authorized vehicles
- STO bus 1217 on Rapibus corridor
- Crossbuck on Boulevard de la Cité [01]
- Crossbuck on Boulevard de la Cité [02]
- STO bus 0713 on Boulevard Maloney
- Quebec-style three-way stop [02]
- Quebec-style three-way stop [01]
- Fire hydrant along Boulevard de la Cité
- French-language stop sign [01]
- No trucks or buses
- French-language stop sign [02]
- French-language stop sign [03]
- Directional sign along Boulevard de la Cité
- Sign for Wellington Street
- Parliamentary Protective Service vehicle
- Construction signage on Parliament Hill
- STO bus 2210 at Albert and Bank Streets
- STO bus 1411 at Albert and Bank Streets [01]
- STO bus 1221 and 1502 at Albert and Metcalfe Streets
- STO bus 1411 at Albert and Bank Streets [02]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [09]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [11]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [01]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [03]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [10]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [13]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [02]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [04]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [12]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [05]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [07]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [08]
- Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [06]
- Hand washing sign at La Pataterie Hulloise
- General alarm and public address speaker on the MV New Jersey
- Viewer on the MV New Jersey
- Honda HR-V on the MV New Jersey [01]
- Honda HR-V on the MV New Jersey [02]
- Lewes pilot boat [01]
- Lewes pilot boat [02]
- Sunset over the Delaware Bay [01]
- Sunset over the Delaware Bay [02]
- Sunset over the Delaware Bay [03]
- Sunset over the Delaware Bay [04]
- Sunset over the Delaware Bay [05]
- Gus & Gus Place
- "Do not open toys" sign at Tidal Rave's 5 & 10
- Penny Lane Mall