Woman laying on inner tube [02]
Woman laying on inner tube [01]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [04]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [03]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [02]
Winchester and Potomac Railroad Bridge [01]
Weathered headstone
Warning sign for hand-carved steps
Waiting room at Harpers Ferry train station
View of Potomac River from Hilltop House
View of Potomac River from hiking trail
View from Maryland Heights overlook [05]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [04]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [03]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [02]
View from Maryland Heights overlook [01]
View from Hilltop House [02]
View from Hilltop House [01]
View from Hilltop House
View across Potomac River
Upward view of church in Harpers Ferry
Tunnel beneath railroad tracks
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [02]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [01]
Rocks in the Potomac River [05]
Rocks in the Potomac River [04]
Rocks in the Potomac River [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [02]
Rocks in the Potomac River [01]
Rivers in Harpers Ferry
River rafters
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [02]
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [01]
Railroad tracks through Harpers Ferry
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [07]
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [06]
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [05]
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [04]
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [03]
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [02]
Railroad tracks at Harpers Ferry Amtrak station [01]
Potomac River viewed from Hilltop House
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [05]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [04]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [03]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [02]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [01]
Potomac River from Hilltop House
Pedestrian walkway on CSX Cumberland Subdivision bridge
Model T Ford
Marker graffiti in Harpers Ferry train station tunnel [02]
Marker graffiti in Harpers Ferry train station tunnel [01]
Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [05]
Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [04]
Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [03]
Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [02]
Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [01]
Intersection of Shenandoah and Potomac Streets in Harpers Ferry
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [03]
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [02]
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [01]
Hilltop House [03]
Hilltop House [02]
Hilltop House [01]
Harpers Ferry tunnel portal
Harper Cemetery [05]
Harper Cemetery [04]
Harper Cemetery [03]
Harper Cemetery [02]
Harper Cemetery [01]
Hand-carved steps
Freight train on CSX Shenandoah Subdivision
Freight train on CSX Cumberland Subdivision track
Flowers at Hilltop House site
Eastbound Capitol Limited at Harpers Ferry [02]
Eastbound Capitol Limited at Harpers Ferry [01]
Drainage pipe
CSX trailers
CSX Shenandoah Subdivision bridge
Confluence of Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers