American Dream, September 2024 [08]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [12]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [03]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [22]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [05]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [17]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [07]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [25]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [10]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [16]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [11]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [26]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [14]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [19]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [20]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [06]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [09]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [13]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [27]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [28]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [24]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [04]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [21]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [23]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [15]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [08]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [30]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [08]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [29]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [32]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [31]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [33]
Toys "R" Us store-within-a-store at the Macy's New York City flagship store [02]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [02]
Statue of Liberty replica in the Susquehanna River [01]
"Joy of Life" fountain [01]
Hudson River near New York City [01]
Hudson River near New York City [03]
Hudson River near New York City [04]
Hudson River near New York City [02]
"Joy of Life" fountain [03]
"Joy of Life" fountain [04]
"Joy of Life" fountain [02]
"Joy of Life" fountain [05]
Toys "R" Us store-within-a-store at the Macy's New York City flagship store [01]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [12]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [13]
New York Pizza on Florida Avenue NE
Decorated Statue of Liberty replica
New York Pizza on Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Forward on Climate Rally [94]
Forward on Climate Rally [39]
Forward on Climate Rally [115]
Forward on Climate Rally [93]
Forward on Climate Rally [49]