Cheverly station [01]
Station entrance pylon at Cheverly
Metrobus 6003 at Cheverly
Deanwood station [02]
Deanwood station [01]
Minnesota Avenue station [03]
Train at Minnesota Avenue station
Train arriving at Minnesota Avenue station
Minnesota Avenue station [02]
PIDS screens at East Falls Church
East Falls Church station entrance pylon
East Falls Church station [01]
Silver Line bridge pier
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [02]
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [01]
Dunn Loring station [02]
Braille/raised letters sign at Dunn Loring
"Fare Alert" sticker
Deanwood station [03]
Cheverly station [03]
Court House station [02]
Court House station entrance pylon
Entrance to Capitol South station
Orange Line train at New Carrollton
New Carrollton station [04]
Orange Line going over a hill
Payphones at Landover station
Orange Line train arriving at Cheverly [02]
Inbound platform at Cheverly station
Platform edge tiles at Cheverly
6000-Series railcar at Deanwood
Platform pylon at Minnesota Avenue station [02]
Platform pylon at Minnesota Avenue station [01]
Eight-car mark at West Falls Church station
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [04]
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [03]
MBTA State station
Security camera at Quincy Adams station
MBTA Chinatown station
Activated fire alarm pull station at MBTA Chinatown station
CTA Davis station [02]
Purple Line train at Davis station [02]
CTA Red Line train arriving at Morse
Jarvis station platform
Nonrevenue train passing by Jarvis station
Berwyn station platform
Brown Line at State/Lake station [01]
Brown Line at State/Lake station [02]
Blue Line to Huntington
AT&T station
Broad Street Subway train at Race-Vine [02]
Blue Line train at Arlington Cemetery
Yellow Line train departing King Street station
Wheaton station entrance pylon
Platform edge under renovation at Shady Grove station
Yellow Line train approaching King Street station
Platform at Franconia-Springfield
Yellow Line train at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Yellow Line train at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Metro Center station [05]
Metro Center station [06]
No Pants Metro Ride 2011
Red Line train at Forest Glen station [01]
Red Line train at Forest Glen station [02]
Red Line train at Grosvenor-Strathmore station [02]
Red Line train at Grosvenor-Strathmore station [01]
Third rail at Metro Center station
CTA Davis station [03]
Fullerton station
Former Skokie Swift cars
Gallery Place signage, lower level
Granite platform edge panels at Takoma station
Platform at Eastern Market station [02]
PIDS screen at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Columbia Heights station entrance
Marker coil at Fort Totten station
Third rail at Fort Totten station
Takoma platform following train offloading
Silver Spring station, facing inbound