- Graffiti Highway, facing south [07]
- North end of the Graffiti Highway
- Graffiti-covered tree [01]
- Partially cut tree limb
- Graffiti-covered tree [02]
- Graffiti-covered trees
- Elyse in Centralia
- Tagging the Graffiti Highway
- Elyse checks her phone
- "Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign at Centralia
- Elyse eats a quesadilla [02]
- Elyse eats a quesadilla [01]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [01]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [02]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [03]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [04]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [05]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [06]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [07]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [08]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [09]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [10]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [11]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [12]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [13]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [14]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [15]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [16]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [17]
- Fire at Aggregate Industries quarry [18]
- Wildfire in Wheatfield, Virginia [20]