Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [02]
Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [03]
Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [01]
"Historic Gainsboro" sign
Rosslyn Center [01]
Demolition of 1117 North 19th Street [02]
Demolition of 1117 North 19th Street [01]
Heavy equipment at 1117 North 19th Street site
"Increase peace in the community"
Evan Almighty ark set [04]
Evan Almighty ark set [01]
Evan Almighty ark set [02]
Evan Almighty ark set [09]
Evan Almighty ark set [06]
Evan Almighty ark set [08]
Evan Almighty ark set [07]
Evan Almighty ark set [03]
Evan Almighty ark set [05]
Evan Almighty ark set [10]
Evan Almighty ark set [11]
Lamppost in Georgetown, decorated for Christmas
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [01]
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [02]
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [03]
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [04]
5th and H Streets NW
500 block of H Street NW
2012 Kia Soul [01]
2012 Kia Soul [02]
2012 Kia Soul [03]
2012 Kia Soul [04]
2012 Kia Soul [05]
2012 Kia Soul [06]
2012 Kia Soul [07]
2012 Kia Soul [08]
Golf cart sign
Kia Soul in the driveway
Intersection of Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive
Forest Springs Drive [01]
Springer Road
Stop sign at end of Forest Springs Drive
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [01]
Houses in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [04]
Kia Soul in Stuarts Draft, Virginia
Houses in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [03]
Houses in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [02]
Houses in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [01]
House with deteriorated uppermost level
600 block of Elm Street
211 Emily Street
Painted houses on Bedford Street [01]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [02]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
416 Park Street
310 Park Street
300 Park Street
402 Park Street
Satellite dish on roof of home
216 Park Street
Maroon and white house on Bedford Street
324 Davis Street
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [04]
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [03]
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [02]
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [05]
Hine Junior High graffiti
House move on Oramar Drive [01]
Neighborhood in Buxton, North Carolina
View towards the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
View down the roof of the Hatteras Island Inn
Hatteras Island Beach Access 38 [01]
House move on Oramar Drive [02]
House move on Oramar Drive [03]
House move on Oramar Drive [04]
Mailbox with "NO FREE PAPERS" sign [02]
Abandoned rowhouse at North Calvert and East Read Streets [01]
Abandoned rowhouse at North Calvert and East Read Streets [02]
Abandoned rowhouse at North Calvert and East Read Streets [03]
Fire hydrant on North Calvert Street
108 Forest Springs Drive