Carts blocking an entrance in Home Depot
Former Pier 1 Imports in Alexandria, Virginia
Welcome back to Pentagon Centre
One-way aisles at Geresbeck's [01]
One-way aisles at Geresbeck's [02]
One-way aisles at Geresbeck's [03]
Faber hand sanitizer
Dirt graffiti
One-way aisle arrow
Kiddie car display at Target
Former Pier 1 Imports at Pike Center [01]
Former Pier 1 Imports at Twinbrook Metro Center [02]
Former Pier 1 Imports at Twinbrook Metro Center [03]
Former Pier 1 Imports at Twinbrook Metro Center [01]
Entrance closed at L.L. Bean
Trading cards limited to one per customer
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
COVID sign at Baja Bean Company
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [01]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [02]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [04]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [03]
Sign about disposable gloves
Former Pier 1 Imports at Pike Center [02]
Former Pier 1 Imports at Pike Center [03]
Former Pier 1 Imports at Pike Center [04]
One way sign on West Frederick Street
LensCrafters in Harrisonburg, Virginia
Hand sanitizer and COVID sign at Wegmans
Hell House [03]
Quart-sized milk jugs at Goose Creek
Fulton Bank at Hollymead Town Center
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [02]
"No one allowed passed [sic] this point without 100% fall protection"
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [03]
Traffic signal at Sansom and Broad Streets
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [04]
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [01]
Little River Turnpike plaque
Candy in a vending machine [01]
Candy in a vending machine [02]
Best 1 Food Mart
Reminder about being neat in the restroom
Capacity sign at Food Lion
Carton of milk from Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q
Sinks at Round One in Deptford, New Jersey
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [01]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [02]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [03]
Truck rest area sign
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [17]
Flush only once at Stadium-Armory station
One Lumos Plaza
HR-V just prior to turning its 100,000th mile
HR-V reaches 100,000 miles
Selfie at Ward Plaza [02]
Selfie at Ward Plaza [01]
Sitting in the car wearing Maryland flag leggings
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [02]
Striking the "beach knees" pose wearing my Maryland flag leggings
One way and no parking signs along Chicago Avenue
Selfie with Central Time sign [01]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [04]
Selfie with Central Time sign [02]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [02]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [02]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [05]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [01]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [03]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [03]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [01]
Entering Eastern Time on I-40
Change and receipt at Texas Tavern
House in Belmont [01]
House in Belmont [02]
House in Belmont [03]
House in Belmont [04]