Private property signage at George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Million Worker March [04]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]
Legal advice on the community chalkboard
Spy vs. Sci [05]
Anonymous DC September raid [04]
Boston Megaraid [08]
Strickly Enforced 24/7 [02]
Forward on Climate Rally [80]
"Will whoever is praying for snow please stop"
Escalator closed
Fortune Cookie message
"Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign at Centralia
No self-serve condiments at Starbucks
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [01]
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [02]
Sign asking that customers limit purchases
No indoor dining at Dunkin Donuts
Notes on a sign in a locker room
No grocery sales except when purchasing electronics
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [11]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [12]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [10]
Sign about car relocation in snow
Windsor will be closed on Thanksgiving
Sign about disposing of used oil
Cell Express [02]
Ellicott City Lights, 2020 [01]
Ellicott City Lights, 2020 [02]
Trash memo at Hewitt Gardens Apartments
Emergency exit push bar
Trading cards no longer sold in-store at Target
Abandoned Subaru Outback at Target [02]
Abandoned Subaru Outback at Target [01]
"Don't turn on this heater"
No trespassing sign [02]
No trespassing sign [01]
Former Shoppers in Ellicott City, Maryland [02]
Sign advising not to let the elevator door slam
Door release pull station at Frederick Health [02]
Door release pull station at Frederick Health [01]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [35]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [36]
Panda Express fortune slip [03]
Restroom closed due to COVID-19
Drone warning sign near Acrisure Stadium
McDonald's closed for repairs
Panda Express fortune slip [05]
Kwik Trip gas pump with mute button [01]
Anti-drone sign at Gathright Dam
"ILVUSA" license plate
Elevator phone at JCPenney in Greenbrier Mall
Obstructed fire exit corridor at HomeGoods
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [01]
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [02]