402 Park Street
Satellite dish on roof of home
216 Park Street
WTBO sign [01]
WTBO sign [02]
WTBO sign [03]
WTBO sign and transmitter, viewed from below
View from WTBO transmitter site
WTBO sign [04]
WTBO sign at night [01]
WTBO sign at night [02]
WTBO sign at night [03]
Intersection of Bedford Street and Henderson Avenue
Bedford Street
Town Clock Church [04]
Maroon and white house on Bedford Street
Pro-marijuana graffiti
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
Potomac River at Cumberland [01]
Potomac River at Cumberland [02]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [01]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [02]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [03]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [04]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [05]
Shopping cart on Park Street
Nonstandard US 220 highway shield
Traffic light at Park and Williams Streets [01]
Traffic light at Park and Williams Streets [02]
Steeple of Friendship Haven Church
Traffic signal with cameras
American flag flying
Lights on building
Rust-streaked urinal
Neon sign in restaurant window
Harbor Queen
Duck in Annapolis Harbor
St. Anne's Episcopal Church
Flag in Annapolis, Maryland
Sailboat in Annapolis Harbor
Dock in Annapolis Harbor
Man operates powerboat through Annapolis Harbor
Truck being sprayed with water
Wheelock fire alarm bell
Wheelock MT horn/strobe
System Sensor fire alarm bell
Open sign
Sidewalk on 1700 block of Aliceanna Street
Lamppost in Fells Point
Red Emma's
Sea gull over Baltimore Harbor
Sea gull
Celerity water taxi
Coffee with cream and stevia
Help button
Busker at Wheaton Metro
Whole Foods P Street NW
Abandoned shoe sole
Wawa donuts [01]
Wawa donuts [02]
Wawa donuts [03]
Discarded earplugs along P Street NW
Kia Soul at Westfield Wheaton
Metrobus 7207 at 16th and P Streets NW
Pedestrian signal at 15th and P Streets NW
Takoma platform following train offloading
Chuck E. Cheese in Studio C Beta
Activated Edwards pull station
Cartons of Nature's Promise milk
Sodexo building, Gaithersburg
Ellenco fire alarm bell at Hewitt Gardens [01]
Vivitar ViviCam 6200w
Storm clouds at Georgia Avenue and Norbeck Road
House for sale in Dupont Circle
Flamingo at the National Zoo
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [02]
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [01]
Lion at the National Zoo
Interior of Washington Metro car 4090