View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [14]
Hôtel Holiday Inn in Gatineau, Quebec
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [03]
Gus & Gus Place
West Park Bowling [01]
Elyse poses with a palmetto [01]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [03]
Amazon Fresh in Gaithersburg, Maryland during limbo period
Sun over Tysons Corner
Sky over Williamsburg, Virginia [02]
Carved graffiti inside Sounding Knob Fire Tower [03]
Elyse wipes down the HR-V [02]
Smokestacks at Chambersburg Power Plant [01]
Fire alarm at Rural King
Patrick Henry Mall [04]
Choptank River Bridge [04]
Potomac Yard station [10]
Patrick Henry Mall [03]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [13]
Maritime Square
Choptank River Bridge [08]
Patrick Henry Mall [02]
License plate on Chris's Coffee & Custard food truck
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [02]
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [05]
Elevator at Sherman Garden Apartments [05]
Parking meter on South Market Street
Potomac Yard station [13]
Birdsnest Lookout [04]
Traffic circle under construction [03]
Chili with onions
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [09]
Dodge Aspen at Chrysler Nationals
Grave marker for Billy Critzer [01]
Reston International Center
Aura [01]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [03]
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [06]
Elyse looks at the maps
Potomac Yard station [11]
Honda HR-V under a layer of snow [01]
Fuel Up [02]
Oceanside Tower
3101 Wilson Boulevard [01]
Rocks in the Hampton River [01]
View from Ottawa Marriott Hotel [03]
Dining facility at Camp Ramblewood [01]
Emergency vehicle license plate [02]
Fleet of the Future Expo [09]
Interstate 64 in Hampton, Virginia [01]
West Park Bowling [04]
1993 Dodge W350 at Chrysler Nationals [02]
Round Hill
Birdsnest Lookout [06]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [03]
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [02]
Wildfire in Wheatfield, Virginia [12]
Heron flying over the Hampton River [01]
Buffalo Gap [02]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [05]
Toronto Union Station
Paramount Theater marquee [03]
"Autistic child area" sign
Birdsnest Lookout [03]
Traffic circle under construction [02]
Aura [03]
Street signs for South Gregson Street and West Peabody Street
Birdsnest Lookout [05]
Plymouth Volare at Chrysler Nationals
Fire alarm speaker at Montgomery College Campus Center [01]
"Beware of dog" sign on a gate
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [12]
1993 Dodge W350 at Chrysler Nationals [01]
Grave marker for Billy Critzer [02]
Poseidon sectional barge in Newport News [01]
1750 Crystal Drive
Fire alarm horn/strobe at the Hampton Inn in Independence, Ohio
Verona Elementary School [06]
Honda HR-V on Adin Circle
Fleet of the Future Expo [06]