Galaxy S22 Ultra acceptance testing, February 25, 2022
Acceptance testing of my new Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra phone, on February 25, 2022. For this adventure, I shot mostly in macro, because this phone's camera was supposed to do really well with macro. The phone did quite well.
More at The Schumin Web:
More at The Schumin Web:
29 photos
DASH Orion V farewell, July 1, 2022
Farewell event put on by DASH in Alexandria, Virginia to commemorate the retirement of the last of the Orion V bus model from DASH's fleet. DASH had operated Orion buses since the agency's founding in 1984, initially operating the Orion I model, and later the Orion V.
More at The Schumin Web:
More at The Schumin Web:
45 photos
- Gabbin Hall [01]
- Men's restroom in Wilson Hall
- Elyse sits in a concrete pipe
- Chevrolet Cheyenne in Mount Jackson, Virginia [01]
- Chevrolet Cheyenne in Mount Jackson, Virginia [03]
- Chevrolet Cheyenne in Mount Jackson, Virginia [02]
- Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [01]
- Zane Showker Hall [01]
- Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [01]
- Stuffed dog at JMU bookstore
- Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [02]
- Zane Showker Hall [02]
- Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [02]
- Mister Chips [02]
- "This bin isn't for trash" [01]
- Gabbin Hall [02]
- Interstate 81 at Route 796 [02]
- Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [03]
- Main atrium at Hartman Hall [01]
- Zane Showker Hall [03]
- "This bin isn't for trash" [02]
- Gabbin Hall [03]
- Interstate 81 at Route 796 [01]
- New D-Hall [01]
- Main atrium at Hartman Hall [02]
- Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [01]
- "This bin isn't for trash" [03]
- Cross and flag display at Restoration Fellowship Church [02]
- Gabbin Hall [04]
- Sign for Hartman Hall [01]
- Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [02]
- New D-Hall [02]
- Fire alarm pull station in Gabbin Hall
- Cross and flag display at Restoration Fellowship Church [01]
- New D-Hall [03]
- Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [03]
- Sign for Hartman Hall [02]
- Elevator at Gabbin Hall
- New D-Hall [04]
- Fireplace at Zane Showker Hall
- Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [01]
- New D-Hall [05]
- Room 1121 at Zane Showker Hall [01]
- Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [02]
- New D-Hall [06]
- Room 1121 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
- Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [03]
- New D-Hall [07]
- Elevators at Zane Showker Hall
- Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [01]
- New D-Hall [08]
- Stairwell at Zane Showker Hall [02]
- Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [02]
- Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [03]
- Stairwell at Zane Showker Hall [03]
- New D-Hall [09]
- D-Hall pizza [01]
- Room 1103 at Zane Showker Hall
- Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [01]
- Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [01]
- D-Hall pizza [02]
- Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [02]
- D-Hall pizza [03]
- Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
- Former fire alarm at Gabbin Hall
- D-Hall pizza [04]
- Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [03]
- Bell at Gabbin Hall [01]
- Second-floor restroom at Zane Showker Hall
- D-Hall pizza [05]
- Bell at Gabbin Hall [02]
- D-Hall pizza [06]
- Room 2104 at Zane Showker Hall [01]
- Bell at Gabbin Hall [03]
- D-Hall pizza [07]
- Room 2104 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
- Standard wall clock at Gabbin Hall
- "Be the reason someone smiles today" [01]
- Room 2104 at Zane Showker Hall [03]
- Room 0212 at Zane Showker Hall [01]