Vivitar ViviCam 6200w
Load of laundry
Sunset on Christmas Eve
Gutter icicles
Fog on Hewitt Avenue
"Under same management for over 2000 years"
"This church is prayer conditioned"
"This church is prayer conditioned"
Frost on a Kia Soul
Terbinafine pills
Vacant lot during second "Snowmageddon" storm
Afternoon sky over Aspen Hill
Illegal parking at bus stop
"Free trip to heaven. Details inside."
Dragon shoes
"Try our Sundays. They are better than Good Humor."
Balcony railing during Snowmageddon [03]
Vacant lot after Snowpocalypse storm
Snow after the first hours of Snowpocalypse storm [02]
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [04]
Sidewalk following Snowmageddon
Apartment balcony following first "Snowmageddon" storm
Dusty keyboard
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [03]
Vacant lot in Aspen Hill, Maryland at night following first "Snowmageddon" storm [03]
Ice on balcony railing [02]
Vacant lot in Aspen Hill, Maryland at night following first "Snowmageddon" storm [04]
Vacant lot in Aspen Hill, Maryland at night following first "Snowmageddon" storm [02]
Sorel boots
Aftermath of January 26, 2011 "Thundersnow" [02]
Edwards pull station with GE Vigilant branding [01]
2012 Kia Soul [15]
"Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?"
2012 Kia Soul [14]
Snow on an apartment balcony during Snowpocalypse storm
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [03]
Balcony railing during Snowmageddon [05]
2012 Kia Soul [19]
2012 Kia Soul [13]
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [02]
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [01]
2012 Kia Soul [17]
Balcony railing during Snowmageddon [04]
Mercury Sable buried during Snowmageddon
Ellenco 5C at Hewitt Gardens [01]
Ice on balcony railing [01]
Snow on top of a fence
Destroyed gutter
2012 Kia Soul [20]
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [05]
Northgate Shopping Center [03]
Snow on apartment building roof
Living room
Balcony railing during Snowmageddon [02]
Partly cleared car following Snowpocalypse storm
Apartment complex in Aspen Hill during Snowmageddon
Balcony railing during Snowmageddon [01]
Digging out from Snowmageddon [02]
Cars covered in snow following Snowpocalypse storm [01]
Laundry coin slot
Snow beyond edge of roof
Ride On bus stop flag
Northgate Shopping Center [02]
Apartment living room
Fallen Ride On bus stop sign
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [06]
Kia Soul at Aspen Hill Citgo
Television in an apartment
Kia Soul with snowy windshield
Digging out from Snowmageddon [01]
Kia Soul after snow cleared [01]
Kia Soul after snow cleared [02]
Cars covered in snow following Snowpocalypse storm [02]
Soul free from snow
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [04]
Kia Soul interior with snowy windshield
Ellenco fire alarm bell at Hewitt Gardens [01]
Northgate Shopping Center [01]
Former Super Fresh store in Aspen Hill, Maryland
Edwards pull station with GE Vigilant branding [02]