- Wheelock MT in Potomac Hall [01]
- Sony Mavica CD400 [02]
- Sony Mavica CD400 [01]
- Interior of Harrisonburg Transit bus 53
- Bridgeforth Stadium at night
- Wilson Hall cupola [01]
- Maury Hall computer lab [01]
- Maury Hall computer lab [03]
- Maury Hall computer lab [02]
- Maury Hall computer lab [04]
- Maury Hall computer lab [05]
- Standard bell at Maury Hall
- Maury Hall Room G2
- Maury Hall Room G1
- Statue of James Madison [04]
- Fire alarm in Roop Hall [04]
- Harrison Hall "link" section
- Statue of James Madison [01]
- Statue of James Madison [02]
- Statue of James Madison [03]
- Fire alarm in Roop Hall [02]
- Statue of James Madison [05]
- Moody Hall
- Fire alarm in Roop Hall [03]
- Fire-Lite BG-10 at Roop Hall
- Standard horn in Moody Hall
- Maury Hall [03]
- Johnson Controls pull station
- Maury Hall [02]
- Wilson Hall, 2002 [02]
- Wilson Hall, 2002 [01]
- Standard horn with double projector
- Maury Hall [01]
- Varner House
- Fire alarm in Roop Hall [01]
- Keezell Hall
- Standard pull station
- Wheelock MT in Potomac Hall [02]
- Wheelock AS in Potomac Hall [01]
- Wheelock AS in Potomac Hall [02]
- Glory of the Chinese Descendants [01]
- Panels of the Berlin Wall [02]
- WMATA farecard vending machines
- Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [02]
- Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [01]
- Iwo Jima Memorial [01]
- Iwo Jima Memorial [02]
- Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [03]
- Wheelock strobe at Rosslyn Center
- Capitol dome, east side
- Stones at Crandal Mackey Park
- Panels of the Berlin Wall [01]
- Iomega Zip drive following removal
- Third floor of ISAT/CS Building
- Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe
- ISAT/CS Building main corridor
- Qualcomm QCP-2700 phone
- Trees at sunset
- Water fountain at McIntire Park
- Edwards fire alarm horn/strobe at Taylor Hall
- Toyota Previa at Purcell Park
- "Happy Birthday Jesus" lighting display
- Original sign for The Inn at Afton
- Teepee at Rockfish Gap
- Tree at scenic overlook
- Sunset from I-64 overlook [03]
- Sunset from I-64 overlook [01]
- Sunset from I-64 overlook [02]
- Picnic table at McIntire Park
- Sunset from I-64 overlook [04]
- Fountain on the Downtown Mall
- Fire hydrant at McIntire Park
- Monument-style Walmart sign
- Stop sign on 2nd Street SW
- Fire hydrant on the Downtown Mall
- Finley Memorial Presbyterian Church
- Roanoke Star reflected on wet wood [01]
- Roanoke Star reflected on wet wood [02]
- The Roanoke Star in red, white, and blue
- Roanoke Star on a foggy night [02]