- Rockingham Hall [02]
- Rockingham Hall [01]
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [06]
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [05]
- Cluster of mostly-defunct businesses on Afton Mountain
- Sign for Howard Johnson's Restaurant
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [04]
- "WEL COME" at Afton Howard Johnson's
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [03]
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [02]
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [01]
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [07]
- Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [08]
- Fat Jimmy's Outfitters [02]
- Fat Jimmy's Outfitters [01]
- Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [05]
- Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [04]
- Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [03]
- Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [02]
- Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [01]
- Cluster of defunct businesses on Afton Mountain