Foggy Bottom-GWU station [01]
Federal Triangle station
Anacostia station entrance pylon
Van Dorn Street station [01]
WMATA clearance car [01]
WMATA clearance car [02]
Brookland-CUA station
Train at Takoma station
Georgia Ave-Petworth station
Outbound end of Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Brookland-CUA station entrance pylon
Columbia Heights station entrance pylon
Columbia Heights station
Shaw-Howard University station entrance pylon
Farragut North station [02]
Friendship Heights station [01]
Van Ness-UDC station [01]
Cleveland Park station entrance pylon
Federal Center SW station from mezzanine
Potomac Avenue station entrance pylon
Benning Road station [01]
Platform at Deanwood
Crowds at L'Enfant Plaza station
Train arriving at Smithsonian station
Capitol Heights station entrance pylon
Benning Road station entrance pylon
Minnesota Avenue station entrance pylon
Federal Center SW station entrance pylon [01]
July 4 banner at Federal Triangle station
Eastern Market station entrance pylon
Waterfront-SEU station
Navy Yard station
Congress Heights station
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Curved platform at Brookland-CUA
Red Line train at Metro Center
Red Line to Brookland-CUA
1000-Series train at Metro Center
Mt. Vernon Square station [01]
Gallery Place-Chinatown upper level
Gallery Place-Chinatown station entrance pylon
L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza
Yellow Line train servicing L'Enfant Plaza
"SPECIAL" sign on Red Line
Minnesota Avenue station [01]
Train at Cleveland Park station
Cleveland Park station [02]
Cleveland Park station [01]
Woodley Park-Zoo collision
New York Avenue station entrance pylon [01]
Red Line train at New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U station
Train at Stadium-Armory [01]
Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza