Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [01] Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [01]
  • Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [02] Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [02]
  • Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [03] Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [03]
  • Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [04] Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [04]
  • Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [01] Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [01]
  • Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [02] Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [02]
  • Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [03] Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [03]
  • Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [02] Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [02]
  • Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [03] Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [03]
  • Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [01] Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [01]
  • People Mover sign outside Fort/Cass station People Mover sign outside Fort/Cass station
  • Entrance to Fort/Cass station Entrance to Fort/Cass station
  • Detroit People Mover token [01] Detroit People Mover token [01]
  • Detroit People Mover token [02] Detroit People Mover token [02]
  • Platform at Fort/Cass station Platform at Fort/Cass station
  • Trackside signage at Fort/Cass station Trackside signage at Fort/Cass station
  • Interior of Detroit People Mover car 11 Interior of Detroit People Mover car 11