- Reassurance markers for US 13, US 70, and NC 111 [01]
- Reassurance markers for US 13, US 70, and NC 111 [03]
- Reassurance markers for US 13, US 70, and NC 111 [02]
- "Just buy the bike..."
- "Please do not disconnect. Speaker is part of fire system. Thank you."
- "Is there a microchip in my scalp?"
- Grocery aisle marker sign at Walmart
- Front aisle of Twinbrook Safeway
- "Federal" graffiti on a Metro railcar
- Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [01]
- Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [02]
- Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [03]
- Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [05]
- Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [04]
- Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [02]
- Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [01]
- Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [03]
- Historical marker for Highland County on US 250
- Historical marker for Augusta County on US 250
- Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
- US 250 in Head Waters, Virginia
- Walt Whitman Bridge [07]
- Aerial view of Edge Hill Cemetery [02]
- Aerial view of Edge Hill Cemetery [01]
- Buoy in Isle of Wight Bay
- Grandma Moses historical marker
- Sticker advising not to remove the sign
- Blue Star Memorial Highway marker at Crozet rest area
- U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [01]
- U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [02]
- Prayer garden at Greenelawn Memory Garden
- Sign for US Route 11E northbound [01]
- Grave marker for Joe and Anna Babb
- Sign for US Route 11E northbound [02]
- Grave marker for Tim and Belinda Mitchell
- Sign for US Route 11E northbound [03]
- Grave marker for Elsie P. Combs
- "Jesus is coming soon"
- Religious restroom stall graffiti
- Mailbox at Varick and Downing Streets in Greenwich Village
- Cart machine out of order
- "BOOM" on a nametag sticker
- Drawing of an elephant pooping
- "Do not read this sentence"
- Happy face on a column rivet
- Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [01]
- Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [02]
- Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [03]
- Face drawn on a wall
- Pause 10 minutes
- Graffiti on Loblaws building
- Sidewalk graffiti along Rideau Street
- Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [01]
- Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [02]
- Elevator note at the Dakota
- Historical plaque for Dominion Bank
- Historical plaque for the Thornton-Smith Building
- Handwritten completion of "BLOOR"
- "DO NOT FEED PIGEONS" sign [01]
- "DO NOT FEED PIGEONS" sign [02]
- Rusted no parking sign in an alley [01]
- Graffiti on "L" train support
- Marker graffiti on a window
- Graffiti on a boulder in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
- "Stop and kiss"
- Abandoned parking garage in Gary, Indiana [01]
- Abandoned parking garage in Gary, Indiana [02]
- Historical marker for Kent State shootings
- Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
- Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
- Grave marker for Billy Critzer [01]
- Grave marker for Billy Critzer [02]
- Grave marker for Charity Billings [01]
- Grave marker for Charity Billings [02]
- Grave marker for Charity Billings [03]
- Grave marker for Charity Billings [04]
- Grave marker for Charity Billings [05]
- Grave marker for Charity Billings [06]
- Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [01]
- Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [02]