Former Office Depot
Former Loehmann's
Silk Road Restaurant & Bar [01]
Silk Road Restaurant & Bar [02]
Silk Road Restaurant & Bar [03]
Closed 7-Eleven
Former Yogi Castle
Former Glenmont KFC [02]
Former Glenmont KFC [01]
JCPenney at Owings Mills Mall
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [01]
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [02]
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [03]
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [04]
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [05]
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [06]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [01]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [02]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [03]
Escalator closed
Former Shoe Department store space
Former Disney Store space
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [01]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [03]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [04]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [05]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [06]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [07]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [08]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [09]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [10]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [11]
Interior of former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [01]
Interior of former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Former Hardee's restaurant at Diamond Point Plaza
Former Tandy Leather store at Diamond Point Plaza
Tandy Leather labelscar
Interior of former Tandy Leather store
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [01]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [02]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [03]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [04]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [05]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [06]
Final stages of demolition at White Flint Mall [07]
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [03]
Power plant at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Power plant at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Power plant at Lorton Reformatory [03]
Former sign structure at Lorton Reformatory
Light switch at Lorton Reformatory
Window air conditioner at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Window air conditioner at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Abandoned utility pole at Lorton Reformatory
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [04]
Cobrahead light at Lorton Reformatory
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [03]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [04]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [05]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory, at sunset [06]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory, at sunset [07]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory, at sunset [08]
Broken windows at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Broken windows at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Abandoned electrical device
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [04]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [05]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [06]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [07]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [08]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [09]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [10]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [11]