AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [19]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [31]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [09]
Bass Pro Shops in Ashland, Virginia
Fish tank at Bass Pro Shops in Ashland
Rooftop water tower in Richmond [03]
Rooftop water tower in Richmond [05]
Siren at 1300 West Broad Street [02]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [23]
Interior of WMATA railcar 2061
Night Dreams in Tysons Corner
Shady Grove rail yard [01]
Shady Grove rail yard [02]
Shady Grove rail yard [03]
Traffic circle in Derwood, Maryland
Sweetened carob drops
Radionics pull station at Martin's
Table and chair in mother's room at Walmart [01]
Table and chair in mother's room at Walmart [02]
Thin-crust pizza from Mod Pizza
Three Mile Island [05]
Three Mile Island [13]
Three Mile Island [39]
Three Mile Island [41]
Three Mile Island [02]
Three Mile Island [37]
Three Mile Island [38]
Parking lot at Three Mile Island Training Center [01]
Three Mile Island [29]
Three Mile Island [10]
Three Mile Island [23]
Three Mile Island [24]
Three Mile Island [15]
Three Mile Island [19]
Three Mile Island [32]
Three Mile Island [33]
Three Mile Island [35]
Three Mile Island [40]
Post-flight selfie near Three Mile Island
Three Mile Island [01]
Three Mile Island [11]
Three Mile Island [12]
Three Mile Island [16]
Three Mile Island [18]
Three Mile Island [25]
Three Mile Island [43]
Three Mile Island [03]
ACA P-15 siren in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Parking lot at Three Mile Island Training Center [02]
Three Mile Island [30]
Three Mile Island [06]
Three Mile Island [14]
Three Mile Island [21]
Three Mile Island [22]
Three Mile Island [28]
Three Mile Island [31]
Three Mile Island [42]
Three Mile Island [26]
Three Mile Island [27]
Three Mile Island [04]
Three Mile Island [08]
Three Mile Island [17]
Three Mile Island [20]
Three Mile Island [34]
Three Mile Island [36]
Sears at Colonial Park Mall [01]
Pennsylvania State Capitol from the southwest
Pennsylvania State Capitol from the northeast [01]
Three Mile Island [07]
Three Mile Island [09]
Sears at Colonial Park Mall [02]
ACA P-15 siren in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Sears at Colonial Park Mall [03]
ACA P-15 siren in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania [03]
SpectrAlert strobe at Sears
Pennsylvania Route 581 [01]
Sign warning about gifting animals
Pennsylvania Route 581 [02]
Former location of Norman's Hallmark
Urinal at Battlefield Harley-Davidson