Amazon Fresh in Gaithersburg, Maryland during initial setup
Farmers Market building in Kingsport [02]
Five-headed lamppost in downtown Crossville
Elyse holds up rubber crackers
Farmers Market building in Kingsport [01]
Sherando Lake [01]
Clouds over Spring Run, Pennsylvania
Crane at Delaware Seashore State Park [01]
Walkway at Dulles International Airport
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [02]
Mountain with a bare patch [02]
"WRONG WAY" sign on the ground
Alleghany Foundation plaque
Mountain with a bare patch [01]
625 Market Street
Cumberland County Courthouse [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [01]
Crane at Delaware Seashore State Park [02]
Cockshutt tractor [01]
Cockshutt tractor [02]
Totaled 2005 Nissan Pathfinder [01]
Elyse at the Lego store at Montgomery Mall [01]
Ice block
Elyse laughing
Bus stop marker on Shelby Street
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [01]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [02]
Weathered tree trunk along the Coal Road
Street signs at Church Street and Commercial Avenue
WSSC utility cover in Derwood, Maryland
Auditorium at Marquee Cinemas in Bristol
Love locks in Ocean City [03]
Fourth floor corridor at the Hampton Inn in Kingsport, Tennessee
Totaled 2005 Nissan Pathfinder [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Exit sign at Hilton Garden Inn
Elyse at the Lego store at Montgomery Mall [02]
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [01]
Totaled 2005 Nissan Pathfinder [03]
View from Greenstone Overlook [01]
Love locks in Ocean City [01]
South Branch of the Potomac River
Survey point at Coles Run Reservoir [01]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [03]
View from Greenstone Overlook [03]
Ferris wheel at Jolly Roger at the Pier [02]
Confederate Breastworks sign
View from Greenstone Overlook [02]
Ferris wheel at Jolly Roger at the Pier [01]
Love locks in Ocean City [04]
Jeep Renegade on South Gay Street
Mills Creek Reservoir [18]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [04]
Tractor Supply in Frederick, Maryland
Marquee Cinemas Pinnacle 12 [01]
Wheelock Powerpath at Franconia Center
Souvenir pin from the 1973 Howard County Fair
2000 Opportunity Way
Chevrolet El Camino in Germantown, Maryland
Love locks in Ocean City [09]
Love locks in Ocean City [05]
Love locks in Ocean City [02]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [05]
Jeep Renegade at West Falls Church station
Wheeled device on the beach
Bridge carrying Clinch Street over World's Fair Park
Love locks in Ocean City [08]
Demonstration gaming setup at Micro Center
Neighborhood in Clifton Forge, Virginia [01]
"RACE CAR spelled backward is RACE CAR"
Elyse at the Lego store at Montgomery Mall [03]
"Recording Survalance Camera"
Bus stop at West Church Avenue and South Gay Street
View from Greenstone Overlook [04]
View from Ravens Roost overlook [01]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [06]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [01]
Love locks in Ocean City [06]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [01]
David amongst the lobby decor [02]