Mailbox covered with graffiti and stickers on 7th Avenue
"Blind persons crossing ahead"
Traffic light at 7th Avenue and West 26th Street [01]
Traffic light at 7th Avenue and West 26th Street [02]
Traffic light at 7th Avenue and West 24th Street
View down West 34th Street from 7th Avenue
"Hektad vs. Banksy" sidewalk graffiti
"Messiah is here!"
500 Fifth Avenue [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [03]
500 Fifth Avenue [02]
500 Fifth Avenue [06]
Top of the Empire State Building [02]
Top of the Empire State Building [03]
Top of the Empire State Building [04]
Top of the Empire State Building [05]
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [02]
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [01]
Bicycle signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West
170 Laurier Avenue West
Harvey's in Windsor, Ontario [01]
Harvey's in Windsor, Ontario [02]
CTA bus 1620 at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue
CTA bus stop sign at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Flag flying outside of Wintrust Bank
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [03]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
2301 West Lawrence Avenue
Public notice for 2301 West Lawrence Avenue
Discarded beer bottle at 2301 West Lawrence Avenue [02]
Discarded beer bottle at 2301 West Lawrence Avenue [01]
Alley parallel to North Lincoln Avenue
"NO OUTLET" sign at alley entrance
Weathered poster on a utility pole
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [01]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [02]
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [06]
Steamed milk from Starbucks in a holiday cup [01]
FedEx truck on West Giddings Street
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [01]
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [03]
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [05]
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [07]
Steamed milk from Starbucks in a holiday cup [02]
Trash can at Starbucks
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [02]
Starbucks on North Lincoln Avenue [04]