WMATA Pride train 2023 [02]
WMATA Pride train 2023 [01]
Wells Street Bridge
View west from Roosevelt platform
View east from Roosevelt platform
Train departs Chicago station
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [03]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [02]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [01]
Train at 15th Street station
Train arriving at Jackson station
Trackside signage at Fort/Cass station
Tower 18 interlocking [08]
Tower 18 interlocking [07]
Tower 18 interlocking [06]
Tower 18 interlocking [05]
Tower 18 interlocking [04]
Tower 18 interlocking [03]
Tower 18 interlocking [02]
Tower 18 interlocking [01]
Smithfield Street Bridge
Signal X-238 at East 55th Street station
Signal FT8 at 15th Street station
Selfie on the Silver Line
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [04]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [03]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [02]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [01]
Rules sign at East 55th Street station
RTA railcar 827 at Tower City
RTA railcar 199 at Tower City [02]
RTA railcar 199 at Tower City [01]
Route selector box at East 55th Street station
Red Line train arriving at East 55th Street station
Red Line platform at Jackson station [02]
Red Line platform at Jackson station [01]
Rail bridge over the Rappahannock River [03]
Rail bridge over the Rappahannock River [02]
Rail bridge over the Rappahannock River [01]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [03]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [02]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Purple and Brown Line trains on the Wells Street Bridge
Platform at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Platform at Fort/Cass station
People Mover sign outside Fort/Cass station
Parking lot beneath the CTA tracks
No smoking sign at East 55th Street station
New Carrollton station, May 2023 [02]
New Carrollton station, May 2023 [01]
Monongahela Incline railcar
Metra train arrives at Davis Street station
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Maintenance vehicle just north of Davis Street station
Main hall at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Lighted wall signage at Tower City station
Landmarks Building
Kyle poses for the camera
Interior of RTA railcar 827
Interior of RTA railcar 199
Interior of Metra railcar
Interior of Detroit People Mover car 11
Interior of CTA car 5436 [02]
Interior of CTA car 5436 [01]
Interior of CTA car 5414
Industrial area north of I-90 in Gary, Indiana [02]
Industrial area north of I-90 in Gary, Indiana [01]
Holmesburg neighborhood
Green Line train at Morgan Station
Green Line train at East 55th Street station
Graffiti on "L" train support
Fire beneath Market-Frankford Line
Farebox on RTA railcar 827
Face drawn on a wall
Entrance to Fort/Cass station
Emergency call box beacon at East 55th Street station
Elyse hangs from a train
Elyse gives the finger
Elyse gives a look to the camera