10 St. Luke's Place [05]
10 St. Luke's Place [04]
10 St. Luke's Place [07]
10 St. Luke's Place [03]
10 St. Luke's Place [01]
10 St. Luke's Place [08]
10 St. Luke's Place [06]
10 St. Luke's Place [02]
Canal beneath former Reynolds Wrap building
Christopher Newport Cross [04]
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [01]
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [02]
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [03]
Rocks in the James River [02]
Manchester Bridge from Potterfield Bridge
Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [01]
Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [02]
Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [03]
Triangular concrete pad
Centennial Flame [01]
Centennial Flame [04]
Centennial Flame [06]
Centennial Flame [02]
Centennial Flame [03]
Centre Block [01]
Centennial Flame [09]
Centennial Flame [05]
Centennial Flame [07]
Centennial Flame [08]
Centre Block [02]
Centre Block [03]
Peace Tower [01]
Peace Tower [02]
Peace Tower [03]
Peace Tower [04]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Water Steps
Toronto Union Station
Rooftop path at the Chelsea Hotel
Roof over the Chelsea Hotel's lower levels
Herb garden at the Chelsea
Jetty in front of the Harbor Centre Marina
Graffiti on a boulder in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Former City View Center [20]
Former City View Center [21]
Former City View Center [22]
Former City View Center [23]
Former Augusta Military Academy [01]
Former Augusta Military Academy [02]
Former Augusta Military Academy [03]
Former Augusta Military Academy [04]
Former Augusta Military Academy [05]
Former Augusta Military Academy [06]
Overlook at Sunset Park [01]
Overlook at Sunset Park [02]
Grave marker for Billy Critzer [01]
Grave marker for Billy Critzer [02]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [01]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [02]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [03]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [04]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [05]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [06]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [01]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [02]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [03]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [04]