Former Waynesboro District Home [01]
Former Waynesboro District Home [05]
Former Waynesboro District Home [06]
Former Waynesboro District Home [04]
Former Waynesboro District Home [03]
Former Waynesboro District Home [07]
Former Waynesboro District Home [02]
Former Waynesboro District Home [08]
881 Pennsylvania Avenue [02]
881 Pennsylvania Avenue [05]
881 Pennsylvania Avenue [04]
881 Pennsylvania Avenue [03]
881 Pennsylvania Avenue [01]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [01]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [02]
Morris Sokol Furniture building [02]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [03]
Morris Sokol Furniture building [01]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [04]
Springfield Executive Building [01]
Springfield Executive Building [02]
Springfield Executive Building [03]
Discarded beer bottle at 2301 West Lawrence Avenue [01]
Discarded beer bottle at 2301 West Lawrence Avenue [02]
Former Tourmobile kiosk
Former Former Wendy's site in Breezewood, Pennsylvania
Ingleside Resort main guest building [02]
Ingleside Resort main guest building [01]
Former Aerolab Supply building
Back side of Hilltop House [02]
Scott's House [05]
Window air conditioner at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Scott's House [06]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [06]
Scott's House [47]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [09]
Scott's House [54]
Back side of Hilltop House [01]
Scott's House [45]
Former News Virginian building [05]
Scott's House [18]
Scott's House [41]
Scott's House [46]
Press room at the former News Virginian building [02]
Scott's House [16]
Scott's House [17]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [07]
Former News Virginian building [03]
Scott's House [42]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [08]
Former News Virginian building [04]
Scott's House [43]
Entrance to Washington Mall [02]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [10]
Scott's House [49]
Scott's House [50]
Scott's House [63]
Scott's House [21]
Former News Virginian building [02]
Window air conditioner at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Hotel Knoxville [02]
Fleetwood Church [02]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [11]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [05]
Scott's House [25]
Scott's House [14]
Entrance to Washington Mall [01]
Hotel Knoxville [01]
Hotel Knoxville [03]
Press room at the former News Virginian building [01]
Scott's House [30]
Scott's House [37]
Scott's House [13]
Former News Virginian building [01]
Scott's House [01]
Scott's House [12]
Hotel Knoxville [04]
Scott's House [32]
Scott's House [39]
Scott's House [40]