Tenleytown-AU station
Elevator entrance at Tenleytown-AU station
Fire alarm pull station at the National Museum of American History
Express hawker at Glenmont
Congresswoman Donna Edwards interviewed by WRC-TV
Edwards 270A-SPO at the American Legion in Silver Spring
Remote annunciator at the American Legion in Silver Spring
Urinal at West Falls Church station
Flag in front of the Exxon on West Main Street
Rosewood Fire Department
Flag at Mt. Olive Fire Department [01]
Flag at Mt. Olive Fire Department [02]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [01]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [02]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [03]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [04]
Interior of R10 car 3189
Elyse smiles on car 3189
Selfie aboard car 3189
Main hall at Grand Central Terminal
American Signal Corporation Tempest-112 at Quinton Fire Company [01]
American Signal Corporation Tempest-112 at Quinton Fire Company [02]