Code Pink protester outside White House
Million Worker March [08]
Million Worker March [13]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [02]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [03]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [04]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [06]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [07]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [05]
A16 World Bank protest [02]
A16 World Bank protest [01]
A16 World Bank protest [07]
A16 World Bank protest [08]
A16 World Bank protest [06]
A16 World Bank protest [05]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [28]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [03]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [05]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [02]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [04]
Yellow Cake Walk
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [01]
Cindy Sheehan outside of the White House
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [10]
October Rebellion [05]
October Rebellion [04]
October Rebellion [10]
October Rebellion [27]
October Rebellion [15]
October Rebellion [12]
October Rebellion [11]
October Rebellion [14]
October Rebellion [16]
October Rebellion [13]
Funk the War 3 [07]
Funk the War 3 [08]
Funk the War 3 [06]
Funk the War 3 [10]
Funk the War 3 [09]
Funk the War 3 [05]
Funk the War 3 [04]
Funk the War 3 [02]
Funk the War 3 [01]
Funk the War 7 [03]
Funk the War 7 [05]
Funk the War 7 [01]
Funk the War 8 [06]
Funk the War 8 [13]
Funk the War 8 [04]
Funk the War 8 [08]
Funk the War 8 [10]
Funk the War 8 [12]
Funk the War 8 [05]
Funk the War 8 [09]
Funk the War 8 [11]
Funk the War 8 [03]
Funk the War 8 [07]
Funk the War 8 [14]
Funk the War 8 [01]
Funk the War 8 [02]
Funk the War 9 [14]
Funk the War 9 [13]
Funk the War 9 [12]
Funk the War 9 [06]
Funk the War 9 [04]
Funk the War 9 [03]
Funk the War 9 [02]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [02]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [07]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [06]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [05]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [04]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [03]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [01]
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear [17]
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear [16]
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear [15]
Forward on Climate Rally [129]
Forward on Climate Rally [128]