Worm on the sidewalk
Westbound Interstate 66 near Nutley Street
West Broad Street at Staples Mill Road [02]
West Broad Street at Staples Mill Road [01]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [04]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [03]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [02]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [01]
Water tower in Charles Town, West Virginia [04]
Water tower in Charles Town, West Virginia [03]
Water tower in Charles Town, West Virginia [02]
Water tower in Charles Town, West Virginia [01]
View, Purgatory Mountain
View, House Mountain
View of James River from Harry Flood Byrd Bridge
View from Purgatory Mountain overlook [03]
View from Purgatory Mountain overlook [02]
View from Purgatory Mountain overlook [01]
View from House Mountain overlook
View east down the Canal
Vertical lift bridge across the Elizabeth River
Van Dorn Street station [03]
Van Dorn Street station [02]
US 340 in Charles Town [04]
US 340 in Charles Town [03]
US 340 in Charles Town [02]
US 340 in Charles Town [01]
Train at East Falls Church station [02]
Toilet Bowl Building
The Tide light rail at St. Paul's Boulevard and East Plume Street
The Tide light rail at MacArthur Square station
Tank cars on an industrial spur in Hopewell, Virginia
Tactile warning strip at King Street station
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [04]
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [03]
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [02]
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [01]
Somerset Village
Small island in the James River
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [06]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [05]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [04]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [03]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [02]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [01]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [06]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [05]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [04]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [03]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [02]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [01]
Sign at Otter Lake
Sable at Purgatory Mountain overlook [02]
Sable at Purgatory Mountain overlook [01]
Sable at House Mountain overlook [03]
Sable at House Mountain overlook [02]
Sable at House Mountain overlook [01]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [03]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [02]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [01]
Richmond skyline from the James River [02]
Richmond skyline from the James River [01]
Red blinker signal
Reconstruction of Route 608 [02]
Reconstruction of Route 608 [01]
Potomac River at Cumberland [01]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [03]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [01]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [06]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [05]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [04]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [03]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [01]
Plants at Purgatory Mountain overlook
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [03]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [02]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [01]
Norfolk Southern 742 and 3057 [02]