Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [01]
52 Division, Toronto Police Service
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [03]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [02]
The Simpson Tower [01]
The Sheraton Centre [02]
The Sheraton Centre [04]
The Sheraton Centre [05]
The Sheraton Centre [01]
The Sheraton Centre [03]
2180 Yonge Street [01]
Loading dock at 2180 Yonge Street
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [04]
TVOntario reception area
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [03]
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [01]
Apartment buildings under construction [01]
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [02]
Apartment buildings under construction [02]
2180 Yonge Street [02]
View from the Chelsea Hotel [01]
View from the Chelsea Hotel [02]
Elevator shaft at 495 King Street West [01]
Market Square
Yonge and Elm Streets
"NO PEE ZONE" sign
495 King Street West [01]
495 King Street West [02]
Elevator shaft at 495 King Street West [02]
Elevator gate at 495 King Street West [02]
Elevator gate at 495 King Street West [01]
Freight elevator buttons [01]
Freight elevator buttons [02]
Adelaide Street Court House
"Dog urine is killing our shrubs" sign
495 King Street West [03]
495 King Street West [04]
Freight elevator at 495 King Street West
150 Sudbury Street [01]
150 Sudbury Street [02]
Walmart North York store
Cash registers at the Walmart in North York
Walmart clothing department
Walmart Canada price sign
Walmart electronics register
2 Lynwood Avenue
C-Plus Orange at Walmart in North York
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [01]
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [02]
A&W root beer at Walmart in North York
Sidewalk on Avenue Road
Toronto City Hall
The Sheraton Centre [06]
The Simpson Tower [02]
The Sheraton Centre [07]
Building under construction at Yonge and Queen
220 Yonge Street [01]
220 Yonge Street [02]