Southern end of Ocean City, Maryland [02]
Southern end of Ocean City, Maryland [01]
Roses store at the former Ocean Plaza Mall [01]
Roses store at the former Ocean Plaza Mall [02]
Ocean City, Maryland, north of 2nd Street
Blue Fish Restaurant and Sushi Bar
Ristorante Antipasti
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [01]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [02]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [03]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing south [01]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing south [02]
Coastal Highway and 94th Street
Former Ocean Plaza Mall
Ocean City beach [06]
Ocean City beach [07]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [02]
Blackburn Inn [01]
Blackburn Inn [02]
Blackburn Inn [03]
Blackburn Inn [04]
Blackburn Inn [05]
Blackburn Inn [06]
Blackburn Inn [07]
Blackburn Inn [08]
Blackburn Inn [09]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [04]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [05]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [06]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [07]
Lycra plant in Waynesboro, Virginia [08]
Safeway on Goshen Road [01]
Bootlegger Harley-Davidson [01]
Bootlegger Harley-Davidson [02]
Five-headed lamppost in downtown Crossville
Escalator and stair bank at Knoxville Station Transit Center [01]
Escalator and stair bank at Knoxville Station Transit Center [02]
Cumberland County Courthouse [01]
Cumberland County Courthouse [02]
Cumberland County Courthouse [03]
Cumberland County Courthouse [04]
Cumberland County Courthouse [05]
Tennessee Theatre [02]
Tennessee Theatre [12]
Tennessee Theatre [11]
Women's Basketball Hall of Fame [01]
Sunsphere observation deck [01]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [01]
The Sunsphere [01]
Fire alarm at the Sunsphere [02]
Fire alarm at the Sunsphere [01]
Duncan School of Law at Lincoln Memorial University
Sunsphere from the Langley Garage
Woomy atop the Langley Garage
Howard H. Baker, Jr. United States Courthouse
Tennessee Theatre [10]
Tennessee Theatre [09]
Tennessee Theatre [04]
Tennessee Theatre [01]
Tennessee Theatre [05]
Tennessee Theatre [06]
Tennessee Theatre [03]
Tennessee Theatre [07]
Tennessee Theatre [08]
The Sunsphere [02]
Women's Basketball Hall of Fame [02]
Sunsphere observation deck [02]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [02]
Hotel Knoxville [01]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [03]
620 South Gay Street
Shattered window at the Sunsphere
Hotel Knoxville [02]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [04]
Sign at the Sunsphere featuring Bart Simpson
Hotel Knoxville [03]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [05]