Belfast Fire Department [01]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [07]
Fraser Mansion [03]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [05]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [08]
Belk at Golden East Crossing [01]
2 Eaton Street [03]
Intersection of Baltimore Street, Frederick Street, Carlisle Street, and Broadway [01]
Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side
Petersburg Courthouse [20]
Chrysler Building [16]
Bridge over the Hampton River
Downtown Lititz, Pennsylvania [02]
Ridgewood High School [09]
Ridgewood High School [07]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [04]
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [01]
One Washington Circle
Dockside area of Montgomery Village
Ridgewood High School [05]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [02]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [04]
Fraser Mansion [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [01]
CVS Pharmacy in Clarksburg, Maryland
Argos USA Martinsburg facility [09]
Cathedral of Learning [15]
Wilson Hall, September 2023 [08]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [06]
Riverfront Plaza [05]
Pat & Carla's III [03]
The Ellington
Chrysler Building [01]
Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport [02]
Cathedral of Learning [17]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [05]
McMurran Hall [01]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial at night [01]
Trinity United Methodist Church [01]
Dollar Tree in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [01]
101 West Frederick Street [01]
Lamppost outside of the Confederation Building
Trinity United Methodist Church [02]
Tennessee Theatre [05]
Tennessee Theatre [01]
Chrysler Building [04]
Decorated road sign at Black Dog Salvage
Trinity United Methodist Church [03]
Ridgewood High School [06]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [03]
Tennessee Theatre [07]
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [02]
Ocean City beach [06]
Street sign at Market Square and Forbes Avenue, west side
Wilson Hall, September 2023 [05]
Canal beneath former Reynolds Wrap building
Tennessee Theatre [03]
View north from Montgomery Village
Howard H. Baker, Jr. United States Courthouse
Ridgewood High School [08]
Cathedral of Learning [13]
Wilson Hall, September 2023 [03]
Wilson Hall, September 2023 [02]
100 block of North Central Avenue
Blackburn Inn [07]
Old Navy item of the week sign at Black Dog Salvage
Petersburg Courthouse [18]
Wilson Hall, September 2023 [06]
Argos USA Martinsburg facility [08]
West Block of Parliament [01]
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [01]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [01]
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
Argos USA Martinsburg facility [05]
Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia
Landmarks Building
Thomas Choice area of Montgomery Village
Wrightsville, Pennsylvania