Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [03]
New Street parking garage [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Visulite marquee [02]
New Street parking garage [02]
Cupola on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Visulite marquee [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Walgreens in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [01]
Walgreens in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [02]
Parking lot lights at Shenandoah Square [02]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [03]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [01]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [05]
Parking lot lights at Shenandoah Square [01]
Object on the roof of the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [06]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [07]
Air handling unit on the roof of the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [04]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [02]
Water pressure gauge on a fire standpipe system [01]
Water pressure gauge on a fire standpipe system [02]
Water pressure gauge on a fire standpipe system [03]
Elevator lobby at Dulles Airport parking garage
Sign about car relocation in snow
Reston International Center
Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza [01]
Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza [02]
Ocean State Job Lot in Deptford, New Jersey
Overview of Staunton Mall [01]
Ingleside Resort main guest building [02]
Ingleside Resort main guest building [01]
Overview of Staunton Mall [02]
Overview of Staunton Mall [03]
Overview of Staunton Mall [04]
Overview of Staunton Mall [05]
Overview of Staunton Mall [06]
Overview of Staunton Mall [07]
Overview of Staunton Mall [08]
Overview of Staunton Mall [09]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [01]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [02]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [03]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [04]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [05]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [06]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [07]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [08]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [09]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [10]
Former JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia [11]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [01]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [02]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [03]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [04]
View down the front parking lot of Staunton Mall
Former Peebles building at Staunton Mall [01]
Movie theater and food court entrance at Staunton Mall [01]
Church United [01]
Staunton Mall Belk wing entrance
Belk in Staunton, Virginia [01]
Belk in Staunton, Virginia [02]
Belk in Staunton, Virginia [03]
Belk in Staunton, Virginia [04]
Belk in Staunton, Virginia [05]
Parking lot lighting at Staunton Mall [01]
Parking lot lighting at Staunton Mall [02]
McDonald's at Staunton Mall [01]
McDonald's at Staunton Mall [02]
McDonald's at Staunton Mall [03]
Hampton Inn in Staunton, Virginia [01]
Hampton Inn in Staunton, Virginia [02]
Hampton Inn in Staunton, Virginia [03]