Wells Fargo Tower [05]
Wells Fargo Tower [06]
Wells Fargo Tower [04]
Wells Fargo Tower [03]
Wells Fargo Tower [01]
Wells Fargo Tower [02]
Carilion Administrative Services Building [02]
Carilion Administrative Services Building [01]
Storm cloud approaching Roanoke, Virginia
Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke [02]
Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke [01]
110 Franklin Road SE
Poff Federal Building [02]
Poff Federal Building [01]
Downtown Roanoke facing Mill Mountain
Allied Arts Building [02]
Allied Arts Building [03]
Bank of the James building [03]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [04]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [05]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [03]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [02]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [01]
Maritime Square
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [01]
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [02]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [01]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [02]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [03]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [04]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [05]
PPG Place [01]
PPG Place [02]
Street sign at Market Square and Forbes Avenue, west side
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]
West Block of Parliament [03]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
West Block of Parliament [01]
Entrance to West Block building
West Block of Parliament [04]
Selfie in front of the West Block [01]
Selfie in front of the West Block [03]
Selfie in front of the West Block [02]
West Block of Parliament [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
West Block of Parliament [05]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [04]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [03]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [02]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [01]
Top of the Empire State Building [05]
Top of the Empire State Building [04]
Top of the Empire State Building [03]
Top of the Empire State Building [02]
Chrysler Building [04]
Chrysler Building [27]
Chrysler Building [14]
Chrysler Building [16]
Chrysler Building [20]
Chrysler Building [22]
500 Fifth Avenue [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [03]
500 Fifth Avenue [02]
500 Fifth Avenue [06]
Top of the Empire State Building [01]
Chrysler Building [25]
Chrysler Building [21]
Chrysler Building [07]
Chrysler Building [06]
Chrysler Building [11]
Chrysler Building [19]
Chrysler Building [23]
Chrysler Building [15]
Chrysler Building [05]
Chrysler Building [02]
Chrysler Building [10]
Chrysler Building [12]
Chrysler Building [24]