Sheetz dining room closed
Outdoor dining area at Montgomery Mall
Face covering required [01]
Face covering required [02]
Tables blocked off in front of Sheetz
COVID signage in downtown Staunton
Stuffed dinosaur wearing a mask
UV sanitizing device on an escalator handrail
Building is closed for cleaning
Discarded face mask at East Falls Church
No water fountain due to COVID
Table and chair storage area
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [03]
"Throne out of order"
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [02]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [01]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [04]
No kombucha refills
Construction sign at Gaithersburg Square
Employee dining room at Wegmans
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [01]
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [02]
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [03]